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Dashboard Settings are available on the top right side of dashbaord edit and preview mode. This are the list of properties applied globally on dashboard tabs and layers. Preview mode options are selectable but user can access all this settings in Edit mode of dashboard.

Dashboard Settings following options :

Refresh Dashboard

To set up dashbaord refresh time

Hide Layers and Tabs

Checkbox to hide and show tabs and layer in dashboard


Hide Layer option is by default enable in dashboard. Tab hide setting will work individual for each layer created in dashboard

Tab Settings

Customize view of tabs in dashboard using Tab settings

Tab Level Security

Share tabs of a dashboard with selected users or roles with this setting

Tab Content Background

Change background color of active tab

Dashboard Background Grid

Increase and decrease number of grid in order to get required accurecy in widget resize

Layer Settings

Customize view of Active Layer in dashboard using Layer settings

Layer Level Security

Share Layer of a dashboard with selected users or roles with this setting

Hide Preview Options

Hide or show dashboard setting icons to be display in preview dashboard mode

Confirm Clear Filter

Enable second level of confirmation when click on clear filter

Dashboard Global Theme

List of colors required to be applied in all widget of dashboard

Share Restrict Message

Display this Custom message when user tries to access tab or layer whose access is not provided to him.